Data science meets clinicians

FUNdamentals of Clinical Data Science

Get a head-start in clinical data science using a visual tour along the main components.

By the end of this course you will understand the basics of Big Data, FAIR data, supervised and unsupervised machine learning, and a few important standards for assessing the scientific literature on machine learning and predictive modelling.

This course will take 45-60 minutes.


This intro course is a good stepping stone towards our accredited full course on the Clinical Data Science Essentials. Here you'll learn more on machine learning and machine learning models.
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Dr. Pieter Kubben, MD, PhD (Royal Dutch Medical Association license number 29058752301) is a medical practitioner who has prepared and approved this course material, and will take responsibility for its content. He can be contacted on This course material will work on all regular and mobile operating systems. For technical support, please contact if needed.

Pieter Kubben has received research grants and consultancy fees (both as unrestricted financial support) from Abbott Inc in the past five years. He is the founder and a shareholder of DecisiX BV (Dutch Chamber of Commerce 77744918). NeuroMindTM is a trade name of DecisiX.
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Course Lessons